About Us

Our Services

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About Us

Our Services

The Department of Consumer and Business Affairs serves consumers, businesses, and communities through education, advocacy, and complaint resolution. Our mission is to create a fair and vibrant marketplace for consumers and businesses.

Here’s what we can do for you

Counsel consumers and Small Claims Court litigants

We can give you information you need to help you resolve a problem. We can answer questions about purchases, credit, landlord/tenant disputes, car sales, debt, and other consumer issues.

Our Foreclosure Prevention unit can help homeowners work with lenders to explore options to avoid a foreclosure. We can also provide eviction information and alternate housing options.

We can also help you with your Small Claims Court case. Our Small Claims Court advisors will give you the information you need so you can start your case, serve court papers, prepare for court, and know how to collect or pay a judgment.

Investigate your complaint

We investigate many types of complaints including consumer fraud, real estate fraud, immigration services fraud, identity theft, and elder financial abuse.

We review the complaint and work to find a solution to your problem. We can refer cases involving serious offenders to local law-enforcement agencies for review when appropriate.

Mediate your dispute

Instead of going to court, our professionally trained, neutral, unbiased mediators can help you resolve disputes with businesses, neighbors, and others.

Enforce L.A. County's minimum wage

Our Wage Enforcement Program works with workers and businesses to enforce L.A. County’s minimum wage ordinance. We accept claims of alleged wage violations from people who work in unincorporated Los Angeles County.

Educate our community

We take pride in reaching out to the community. We provide:

  • Speakers for groups and events
  • Information by telephone 24/7
  • In-depth brochures and tipsheets
  • This extensive department website
  • Easy access by social media

We also hold Smarter Senior Forums throughout the County to teach the public about elder financial abuse and consumer fraud.

Provide opportunities for volunteers and interns

We offer rewarding opportunities for volunteers and interns to work with DCBA professionals. Our volunteers and interns work side-by-side with DCBA staff doing consumer counseling, mediation, investigations, and other special projects.

picture of male business casual person smiling

Here’s what we can do for you

Counsel consumers and Small Claims Court litigants

We can give you information you need to help you resolve a problem. We can answer questions about purchases, credit, landlord/tenant disputes, car sales, debt, and other consumer issues.

Our Foreclosure Prevention unit can help homeowners work with lenders to explore options to avoid a foreclosure. We can also provide eviction information and alternate housing options.

We can also help you with your Small Claims Court case. Our Small Claims Court advisors will give you the information you need so you can start your case, serve court papers, prepare for court, and know how to collect or pay a judgment.

Investigate your complaint

We investigate many types of complaints including consumer fraud, real estate fraud, immigration services fraud, identity theft, and elder financial abuse.

We review the complaint and work to find a solution to your problem. We can refer cases involving serious offenders to local law-enforcement agencies for review when appropriate.

Mediate your dispute

Instead of going to court, our professionally trained, neutral, unbiased mediators can help you resolve disputes with businesses, neighbors, and others.

Enforce L.A. County's minimum wage

Our Wage Enforcement Program works with workers and businesses to enforce L.A. County’s minimum wage ordinance. We accept claims of alleged wage violations from people who work in unincorporated Los Angeles County.

Educate our community

We take pride in reaching out to the community. We provide:

  • Speakers for groups and events
  • Information by telephone 24/7
  • In-depth brochures and tipsheets
  • This extensive department website
  • Easy access by social media

We also hold Smarter Senior Forums throughout the County to teach the public about elder financial abuse and consumer fraud.

Provide opportunities for volunteers and interns

We offer rewarding opportunities for volunteers and interns to work with DCBA professionals. Our volunteers and interns work side-by-side with DCBA staff doing consumer counseling, mediation, investigations, and other special projects.

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