Foreclosure Prevention

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Foreclosure Prevention

If you are having trouble paying your mortgage or facing foreclosure, DCBA’s foreclosure prevention experts can help you understand the foreclosure process and explore all available options.

About Foreclosure Prevention (PDF)

The Department of Consumer and Business Affairs’ Foreclosure Prevention unit provides free services for homeowners and landlords with 15 or fewer units in Los Angeles County.
We can provide free, one-on-one counseling by phone or in person (by appointment).

Contact us:

Phone: 800-593-8222        Email:

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Our trained experts can help you:

Explore your options

Understand the foreclosure process

Help to communicate with your lender

Review and submit documentation

Avoid scammers

Connect you to reputable agencies

Help for Homeowners

The California Foreclosure Process

If you do not make your mortgage payments, your lender can take your home. The process they use to take your home is called foreclosure. This process takes some time, but if you act quickly, you have better chances.

Saving Your Home

Read our tipsheets to learn more about the facts of foreclosure and options that might be available to you, including home retention or liquidation. Also, learn important tips about how to stay safe from scams and real estate fraud.

Webinars and Resources

Watch our Help for Homeowners webinars to learn more details from our experts and get answers to common questions. Also, find out about any available relief programs for property owners and find out if you might be eligible for assistance.

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