• October 28, 2022

Office of Immigrant Affairs Celebrates National Immigrants Day with Grants to Immigrant-Focused Community-Based Organizations

Office of Immigrant Affairs Celebrates National Immigrants Day with Grants to Immigrant-Focused Community-Based Organizations

Office of Immigrant Affairs Celebrates National Immigrants Day with Grants to Immigrant-Focused Community-Based Organizations 1000 587 Consumer & Business

Ten nonprofits to receive first round of grants to strengthen their capacity to serve the County’s immigrant communitiesMade Possible by the American Rescue Plan; Los Angeles County, Better than Before

The Los Angeles County Office of Immigrant Affairs (OIA), in the Department of Consumer and Business Affairs (DCBA), celebrates National Immigrants Day on Friday, October 28, 2022, by recognizing 10 immigrant-focused Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) that are receiving capacity-strengthening grants made possible by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Each organization will receive two-year grants of $150,000 and technical assistance as part of OIA’s Capacity Strengthening Grants for Immigrant Focused CBOs initiative.

These grants are the first round of OIA’s efforts to support CBOs that are focused on helping immigrants and their families recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. As more funds become available, OIA plans to provide similar grants to CBOs that serve immigrants throughout the LA County.

To read more about this program, visit the Office of Immigrant Affairs’ website at immigrants.lacounty.gov.

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