• January 10, 2022

Report Price Gouging on COVID-19 At-Home Tests

Report Price Gouging on COVID-19 At-Home Tests

Report Price Gouging on COVID-19 At-Home Tests 1000 575 Consumer & Business

As COVID-19 cases increase in Los Angeles County, so do opportunities for consumers to be victimized by illegal price gouging.

California Governor Gavin Newsom recently signed an executive order establishing consumer protections against price gouging on at-home test kits.

If you spot price gouging for COVID-19 rapid tests online or in stores, report it to our department immediately using our “Stop Price Gouging” online tool.

Reporte la Manipulación de Precios (Price Gouging).

A medida que aumentan los casos de COVID-19, también aumentan las oportunidades para que los consumidores sean víctimas de la manipulación ilegal de precios.

El Gobernador de California Gavin Newsom firmó una orden ejecutiva que establece protecciones al consumidor contra la manipulación ilegal de precios de los kits de COVID-19 de prueba casera.

Si detecta la manipulación ilegal de precios de pruebas rápidas de COVID-19 en el Internet o tiendas, repórtelo a nuestro departamento de inmediato. “Stop Price Gouging”.



加州州长加文·纽森(Gavin Newsom)签署了一项行政命令,旨在保护消费者免受居家检测设备的价格欺诈。

如果您在网上或实体零售商店发现针对COVID-19 快速检测试剂盒的价格哄抬行为,请立即向我们投诉


Getting a COVID test in Los Angeles County

For more information about available COVID-19 testing in LA County, visit covid19.lacounty.gov/testing.

Beginning Jan. 10, LA County has announced a new Pick-up Testing Program, where residents can pick up an at-home COVID-19 PCR test. Visit the program’s website to find a COVID at-home test pickup location near you.


Price Gouging graphics for consumers

When a Disaster Strikes, Don't get overcharged. If the government declares and emergency, increasing the price of goods and services 10% or more may be price gouging. Call us at (800) 593-8222 or visit stoppricegouging.dcba.lacounty.gov.
Cuando ocurre un desastre, evite los sobrecargos. La manipulacion de precios occurir cuando el gobierno declara una emergencia y hay aumentos en precios de productos y servicios de 10% o mas.

Price Gouging graphic for consumers in Chinese

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