Mediation Services

The Department of Consumer and Business Affairs is here to help landlords and tenants impacted by COVID-19. Through our Mediation Program, tenants and landlords can work out payment arrangements for any unpaid rent or alternative solutions during and after the moratorium period. Note: We recommend that you speak with a counselor to learn about your rights and responsibilities under local eviction protection measures before you begin this process.

Mediation: How it works

Mediation is informal. A specially trained mediator will talk with you and the other party to help you better understand each other’s views. Your discussion with the mediator can occur during joint or separate virtual meetings or telephone conversations.

Voluntary Participation

Participation is voluntary. For mediation to begin, both parties must agree to participate.

Online Dispute Resolution

Your mediation can be conducted through live online conferencing with you, the mediator and the other party. Real time messaging is also available, with the mediator and both parties communicating online with instant messaging. Back-and-forth style mediation is also available. One party leaves a comment or offer on our online system, and the other party responds at their convenience.


Mediators are neutral third parties. They do not decide the outcome of a dispute. You and the other party will decide how to resolve your dispute. The mediator does not represent either party and does not make decisions, judgments or take sides. Their job is to help both parties reach an agreement they feel is fair.

Legal Advice

The mediator does not give legal advice or opinions and does not make a legal ruling. Lawyers You can have a lawyer with you at a face-to-face mediation if you choose to.


If you resolve your dispute through mediation, you may put your agreement in writing. The agreement can only be enforced or used as evidence in court, if you decide to make that part of the agreement


There is no cost. Our services are provided at no charge.


Anything said during mediation is private and cannot be used later or in court. The only exception is a future criminal proceeding. For more information, ask us for California Evidence Code Section 1119.

If you have questions, or would like more information, contact us:

  • Phone: (833) 223-7368
  • Online:
  • Email:
  • Direct messaging: @LACountyDCBA on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram
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