Learn about the LA-ODR process for small claims litigants.
These articles can help you understand how to sue an individual or corporation in small claims court. Choose a topic below:
These articles can help you understand what to do if you are being sued in Small Claims Court. Choose a topic below:
Use our sample forms to help you with your small claims forms.
Save time and learn the basics of Small Claims Court by watching our video playlist.
The information provided is to assist you and is not intended to constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials provided are for general informational purposes to provide you guidance and assistance related to your inquiry. Only an attorney can provide you legal advice.
Learn about LA-ODR for small claims litigants.
These articles can help you understand how to sue an individual or corporation in small claims court. Choose a topic below:
These articles can help you understand what to do if you are being sued in Small Claims Court. Choose a topic below:
Use our sample forms to help you with your small claims forms.
Save time and learn the basics of Small Claims Court by watching our video playlist.
The information provided is to assist you and is not intended to constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials provided are for general informational purposes to provide you guidance and assistance related to your inquiry. Only an attorney can provide you legal advice.