• January 12, 2024

Learn More About 2024’s New Consumer Laws

Learn More About 2024’s New Consumer Laws

Learn More About 2024’s New Consumer Laws 1000 586 Consumer & Business

A new year brings new laws for Los Angeles County consumers and business owners. Almost 1,200 new laws were passed and will go into effect at different points in the months ahead. Many took effect on January 1, 2024. Here are brief summaries of five important consumer protection laws you need to know:

  1. Rental increase cap in Unincorporated LA County: Effective January 1 through June 30, 2024, fully covered rental units in the unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County subject to the Rent Stabilization Ordinance and mobilehome spaces subject to the Mobilehome Rent Stabilization Ordinance are restricted to a maximum rent increase of 4%.
  2. Rental security deposits: Effective July 1, 2024, security deposits will be a maximum of one month’s rent for service members and others. Some smaller non-corporate landlords who own two or less residential properties may still charge up to two months for renters, except those that are service members.
  3. Some future residential apartments will charge for parking separately. Effective January 1, 2025, Los Angeles County properties with 16 or more units that become available for rent on or after that date will require parking to be charged separate from rent. Tenants can refuse parking and landlords may lease spaces to other users. Tenant eviction cannot be based on the failure to pay rent for a parking space.
  4. New minimum wage increases: Effective April 1, 2024, fast-food restaurants with more than 60 stores across the country must pay their workers in California a minimum wage of $20 per hour;
    Effective June 1, 2024, most healthcare workers, including facility support staff such as home healthcare providers, custodians, and groundskeepers, will begin to see wage increases that will eventually reach $25 per hour;
    Effective July 1, 2024, other workers in unincorporated LA County must be paid $17.27 per hour.
  5. Transparent pricing announcement of goods and services. Effective July 1, 2024, goods and services advertised, displayed, or offered must include all fees and charges, except for fees like government taxes and shipping.

DCBA helps inform the public about these laws, other protections, and provides resources to resolve your questions and concerns. Call DCBA at (800) 593-8222 or visit dcba.lacounty.gov at any time for more information.

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