• March 22, 2022

Opportunity LA Provides Savings Accounts to Children

Opportunity LA Provides Savings Accounts to Children

Opportunity LA Provides Savings Accounts to Children 1024 682 Consumer & Business

Opportunity LA is a free savings account with an initial $50 deposit for Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) students. The City and County of Los Angeles, LAUSD, and Citibank are working together to provide every first grader with a Children’s Savings Account. We joined our partners on March 21, 2022 to celebrate the launch of this program.

A children’s savings account can help you and your child save money for their education.

Enrolled LAUSD students will receive a $50 deposit. Additional deposits can be made by students and families in person and online. Savings accounts are available to students regardless of student or parent’s income, background or immigration status.

*All students with an Opportunity LA account are eligible to receive a dollar-for-dollar Tax Time Savings match, up to $25, when their parents or guardians file their taxes with Free Tax Prep Los Angeles and make a deposit of at least $5 during tax season into their student’s OLA account. 

*as funds are available

Visit opportunityla.com to learn more and email cifd.opportunityla@lacity.org or call (213) 820-4283 with any questions.

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