• October 23, 2020

DCBA, Registrar-Recorder Partner for New Way to Report Suspicious Election Activity

DCBA, Registrar-Recorder Partner for New Way to Report Suspicious Election Activity

DCBA, Registrar-Recorder Partner for New Way to Report Suspicious Election Activity 820 461 Consumer & Business

Voters and residents can report issues in Los Angeles County in Presidential General Election

LOS ANGELES – Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk (RR/CC) Dean C. Logan announced a new way to report suspicious election activity in the Presidential General Election.

The RR/CC and Department of Consumer and Business Affairs (DCBA) have worked together to develop
a new reporting tool giving voters and residents the ability to alert the RR/CC if a Ballot Drop Boxes has
been damaged, and provide potential service areas of suspicious unofficial ballot drop boxes or ballot

“Protecting our democracy includes awareness and transparency, and I am pleased to announce a new
resident tool that helps protect ballots and alert our office of any attempts to damage or mislead
voters,” said Logan. “The swift nature in which the Department of Consumers and Business Affairs
assisted in this effort speaks to the commitment across the County to protect and provide great
customer service to our voters.”

The reporting tool is now available and can be accessed online, here: report.lavote.net

“Our mission to preserve a fair marketplace for consumers and businesses goes beyond contracts and
transactions. In a fair marketplace, our votes must be honored and protected as well,” said Acting
Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Affairs Rafael Carbajal. “DCBA remains
committed to fully supporting the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk’s efforts to make sure that all Los
Angeles County voters have their voices heard in this election.”

The mission of the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk is to serve Los Angeles County by providing essential records management and election services in a fair, accessible and transparent manner. For more information, visit lavote.net.

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