a picture of a home with the rent increasing

Rent Increases

A landlord must give a written notice before they can raise the rent.


There are various laws that limit if, when, and the amount rent can be increased. Rent stabilization laws (rent control) limit the amount a landlord may charge tenants and determines how often rent can be increased. If a property is not covered under rent control, a landlord can increase rent by any amount.

State law requires landlords to provide a written notice prior to issuing a rent increase regardless if the property is rent controlled.  Before increasing rent, landlords must first give a:

  • 30-day written notice if the increase is 10% or less*; or
  • 90-day written notice if the increase is over 10%*.

If you have a lease, the landlord cannot increase rent until the lease expires, unless the lease allows it.



The Los Angeles County Rent Stabilization and Tenant Protections Ordinance* (RSTPO), Chapter 8.52 of the County Code, is a local law that limits annual rent increases (for fully-covered units only) and extends eviction protections for properties located in unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County.

*On June 4, 2024, the Board of Supervisors passed a motion to extend the temporary cap on rent increases of 4% effective through December 31, 2024, for fully covered rental units.

The Mobilehome Rent Stabilization and Mobilehome Owners Protections Ordinance (MRSMOPO), Chapter 8.57 of the County Code, is a local law that limits annual rent increases for mobilehome spaces located in unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County.

To learn more about the RSTPO and the MRSMOPO, click here. You can also access the rent increase bulletins for the RSTPO and the MRSMOPO by clicking here


Many incorporated cities, such as the City of Los Angeles, have their own rent control restrictions in place. It is important you contact your local city hall to find out if there are any rent control restrictions in place for your city.


Effective January 1, 2020, the State of California enacted a statewide rent control law, referred to as the California Tenant Protection Act of 2019 or Assembly Bill 1482 (AB 1482).

 AB 1482: 

  • Limits annual rent increases to no more than 5% + local CPI or 10% whichever is lower.
    • As of August 2023, the maximum allowable annual rent increase in the Los Angeles Area is restricted to 8.8% (5% + CPI of 3.8%).
    • As of August 2024, the maximum allowable annual rent increase in the Los Angeles Area is restricted to 8.9% (5% + CPI of 3.9%)
  • Provides Just Cause protections to tenants.
  • If a unit is already covered by local eviction and/or rent increase regulations, the unit remains subject to those local regulations and the statewide law does not remove or replace those tenant protections.

To find out if your property is located in an unincorporated or incorporated area of Los Angeles County, visit the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk website and select “District Map Look Up By Address.


If you file a complaint with an enforcement agency, such as the health department or building and safety, the landlord cannot legally retaliate against you. Retaliation may include increasing your rent, decreasing your housing services or taking steps to evict you. This protection is good for 180 days from the date you filed your complaint as long as you continue to pay rent and follow the terms of your rental agreement.**

 *CA Civil Code §827
**CA Civil Code §1942.5(a)

Disclaimer: This page contains general information related allowable rent increases and is not legal advice. Readers should consult with an attorney for legal advice.

County of Los Angeles Department of Consumer and Business Affairs. Last change: July 5, 2024